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Children's Storybooks

Multicultural Children's Book Day 2024 (1/25/24) is in its 11th year

I am a coordinator for Greece and am also a book reviewer.

I am happy to review a wonderful book written in English, by Agatha Rodi, under the title “Greece" published by Barefoot Books

#ReadYourWorld #MCBD

This non-profit children’s literacy initiative was founded by Valarie Budayr and Mia Wenjen; two diverse book-loving moms who saw a need to shine the spotlight on all of the multicultural books and authors on the market while also working to get those books into the hands of young readers and educators.

So, let me introduce you to Greek author Agatha Rodi and her book " Greece ", by Barefoot Books


" Greece "

By Greek author Agatha Rodi

By Greek illustrator Fotini Tikkou Fotini Tikkou Illustration

Published by Barefoot Books

A board book in Greek for ages …. Everyone!

Have you ever been to Greece? Have you ever tasted a Greek food ? Have you ever spoken Greek ? Well with this book the tiny little fingers will turn the pages and smell the sea, the food and realize how much they love grandma (yiayia) .

It’s a board book that travels you to Greece’s everyday life and to your village (horio) where grandma (yiayia) is waiting you for Storytime!

Our little hero introduce us in the scenery of Greece, the historical places and its everyday life. A walk in Zapeio , the traffic in Syntagma square , owe! Did you see the evzone ( tsolia) !

We explore Laiki Agora (fruit market) and we eat gemista (stuffed peppers and tomatoes). A greek island appears and storytime begins…

The vocabulary this is the surprise I love this book because a lot of words are in greek written in latin alphabet and check this out has beneath the pronunciation in English! So everybody can read and understand Greek! (of course these words are also been translated in english too)


What makes this book worth reading, is that you find culture. No more words needed.

The illustrations, by Fotini Tikku are incredible. Are bright, colorful and vivid. I love the cover and the back over blurb.

I have to admit that my favorite part is that star in the earth picture in the cover. Can you see it Yeap this is where Greece is on the map Put it in your bucket list


Agatha Rodi’s book is definitely a keeper! It is highly recommended for not only toddlers and young learners but all us who would like to have a touch of Greece . Multicultural identity and character for sure this book.


Find the book here




LinkedIn: Agatha Rodi

Facebook/Twitter/Goodreads: Agatha Rodi

Youtube: Agatha Rodi

Instagram: Agatha RodiFor more details, you could visit:



Facebook/Linkedin/Twaitter: Agatha Rodi

Instagram: @ agatha_rodi

Let's meet the author

Agatha Rodi was born in Patras, Greece. She has been working as a foreign language teacher for twenty-four years. She published her picture book “A young Kimolistas” (2022) in Greek, English, French, and Italian. The bilingual picture book “Amelie at Grandma’s” (2020) is in two versions, in Greek-English and Greek-French. She has translated/edited short stories, anthologies, and poems LuzDelMes-U.S.A.2019&2020 and Unfettered Hearts-U.S.A, 2021. As a writer, she appeared in the Greek Anthology, for her birthplace Patras: “8 People of the City” (2019). Being the Policy Maker of the “Kimolistes Ngo”, she organizes the “Story Telling Waves” workshops, under the auspices of the Hellenic Tourism Organization, related to the environment, and Kimolian tradition. Her successful proposals for the “Kimolistes Ngo” are: Silver Award, BEST CITY AWARDS 2023(Greece), Culture and Sustainable Development, BRAVO Sustainability Dialogue & Awards (2022) as Ambassador of Sustainable Development, in Greece, 1st place in the European Union, Sustainable Cultural Tourism (ECTN AWARD 2021). She is a member of the International Organization SCBWI (Society of children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), the Circle of the Greek Children’s Book (Greek Ibby), the Cyprus Association on Books for Young People(Cypriot Ibby), the Greek-Japanese Association, and the European Association of Crea tive Writing Programmes (EACWP). She represents Greece as the Ambassador of the non-profit organizations (MCBD-U.S.), (International Read To Me DayAustralia), Inclusion Matters (U.S.). She writes in the newspaper “National Herald„ U.S. of the Greek diaspora. She set up her own Publishing Company “Weaving Waves Publications„ (June 2022).



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Read Your World celebrates Multicultural Children’s Book Day and is honored to be Supported by these Medallion and Ruby Sponsors!

FOUNDER’S CIRCLE: Mia Wenjen (Pragmaticmom) and Valarie Budayr (

Super Platinum Sponsor: Author Deedee Cummings and Make A Way Media

Platinum Sponsors: Publisher Spotlight Publisher Spotlight , Language Lizard Bilingual Books in 50+ Languages, Lerner Publishing Group Lerner Publishing Group

Gold Sponsors: Barefoot Books, Astra Books for Young Readers

Silver Sponsors: Red Comet Press Red Comet Press, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers , Valerie Williams-Sanchez and Valorena Publishing, Lee and Low Books Lee & Low Books, Cardinal Rule Press Cardinal Rule Press

Bronze Sponsors: CK Malone, Tonya Duncan Ellis, Anita Crawford Clark, Star Bright Books, Blue Dot Kids Press, Brunella Costagliola, Red Fin, Fabled Films

Ruby Sponsor: Crayola Crayola

Poster Artist: Rebecca Burgess

Classroom Kit Poster: Barefoot Books

MCBD 2024 is honored to be Supported by these Author Sponsors!

Authors: Gwen Jackson, Josh Funk, Eugenia Chu, Sivan Hong, Marta Magellan, Kathleen Burkinshaw, Angela H. Dale, Maritza M Mejia, Authors J.C. Kato and J.C.², Charnaie Gordon, Alva Sachs, Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, Lisa Chong, Diana Huang, Martha Seif Simpson, DARIA (WORLD MUSIC WITH DARIA) Daria Marmaluk-Hajioannou, Gea Meijering, Stephanie M. Wildman, Tracey Kyle, Afsaneh Moradian, Kim C. Lee, Rochelle Melander, Beth Ruffin, Shifa Saltagi Safadi, Alina Chau, Michael Genhart, Sally J. Pla, Ajuan Mance, Kimberly Marcus, Lindsey Rowe Parker

#ReadYourWorld #mcbd #mcbdgreece



Book Review  "Greece"

Sοcial Media

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Το σύνολο του περιεχομένου της παρούσας ιστοσελίδας ανήκει στην Μαρίνα Πλούμπη, αποκλειστική δικαιούχο των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων της. Όλα τα δικαιώματα είναι κατοχυρωμένα. Τα κείμενα, οι φωτογραφίες, οι εικόνες, οι απεικονίσεις, τα γραφικά, τα αρχεία ήχου, τα αρχεία επισκεψιμότητας, τα αρχεία εικόνας και γενικώς κάθε είδους αρχείο και η διάταξή τους στην παρούσα ιστοσελίδα προστατεύονται από την ισχύουσα στην Ελλάδα νομοθεσία σχετικά με την προστασία δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται ρητώς η αντιγραφή, αναδιανομή, τροποποίηση, αναπαραγωγή, φόρτωση (download), αναδημοσίευση ή αναμετάδοση οποιασδήποτε πληροφορίας της παρούσας ιστοσελίδας σε οποιοδήποτε ηλεκτρονικό, έντυπο ή άλλο μέσο και με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο.Εξαίρεση αποτελούν οι δραστηριότητες που προτείνονται, τις οποίες μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε για προσωπική σας χρήση και όχι για εμπορική εκμετάλλευση. Η Μαρίνα Πλούμπη, δικαιούχος των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων της ιστοσελίδας δεν ευθύνεται για οποιαδήποτε παράνομη ή ενεξουσιοδοτημένη χρήση των βιντεοσκοπήσεων που περιλαμβάνει ο ιστότοπος ή η πλατφόρμα youtube στην οποία παραπέμπει ο ιστότοπος μέσω συνδέσμων. Κάθε χρήστης ή τρίτος οφείλει να χρησιμοποιεί το υλικό αυτό σύμφωνα με τον προορισμό του και ευθύνεται για κάθε παραβίαση των όρων χρήσης ή και του νόμου για σκοπούς πέραν των υπηρεσιών που προσφέρει ο ιστότοπος. Απαγορεύεται εν συνόλω η εμπορική εκμετάλλευση όλου του περιεχομένου της παρούσας ιστοσελίδας χωρίς την έγγραφη συναίνεση της Μαρίνας Πλούμπη, δικαιούχου των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων. 

Η χρήση της ιστοσελίδας απαγορεύεται ρητά σε παιδιά κάτω των 15 ετών χωρίς τη συναίνεση και επίβλεψη του γονέα. 

Με τη συνέχιση της πλοήγησης σας στον παρών ιστότοπο σημαίνει ότι συμφωνείτε με τους ανωτέρω όρους. © 2023. All rights reserved

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